
龍宇宙有限公司 Dragonverse Ltd.

成立: 由香港著名漫畫家鄭健和於2023年創立,2024年邀請香港著名策劃人施仁毅加盟,並且收購「壹本創作」所有漫畫IP,包括已經授權騰訊視頻動畫化的《武庚紀》(原名封神紀)及《西行紀》(原名西遊)。


Founded: Dragonverse Limited was established in 2023 by Hong Kong Comic artist Mr Cheng Kin Wo. In 2024, Dragonverse Limited invite famous project planner Mr Sze Yan Ngai to join. Besides, Dragonverse Limited acquisition all comic IPs from "Bookone Creative Limited", include "The Legend and the Hero" and "The Westward", which has been licensed to Tencent for animation.

Upon the establishment, company started to co-operate with the China company "行星波" to develop the full IP rights of "殺道行者", and kicked off the 10-year plan of the Dragon Universe.


鄭健和 Cheng Kin Wo

香港漫畫家,人稱「和仔大人」,於1992年加入鄺氏出版社成為漫畫助理,其後負責日本 SNK授權的《拳皇96》角色繪畫工作,及後於轉投「海洋創作」,於1999年推出首部個人作品漫畫《魔神傳》,正式出道成為漫畫家。2003年接手編寫溫日良先生作品《武神鳳凰》。

2006年3月,和仔自立門戶,成立「壹本創作有限公司」,首本作品 《火龍》,之後創作首部長篇漫畫《殺道行者》(異能紀)、《封神紀》(武庚紀)及《西遊》(西行紀)等長篇漫畫,三部作品先後授權動畫化,並取得優秀成績。


Cheng Kin Wo, a Hong Kong comic artist. He joined Kwong's Publications Ltd as a comic assistant since1992 and was responsible for character illustrations in the authorized Japanese SNK's "The King of Fighters '96." Afterwards, he joined Ocean Creative Limited, and release his first solo comic book "魔神傳" and became a comic artist in 1999. He took over the writing of Mr. Wen Ri-Liang's work, "武神鳳凰" in 2003.

Cheng Kin Wo established his own company, "Bookone Creative Limited" in March of 2006. His first book was "火龍", and created a number of full-length comics, including "殺道行者" , "The Legend and the Hero" and "The Westward" Three of his works have been authorized for animation and have achieved excellent results.

Cheng Kin Wo and Sze Yan Ngai jointly founded "Dragonverse Limited" in 2024(the Year of Dragon). They embarked on a ten-year project called the "Dragon Universe Plan" with the theme of "dragons."